Bowyer Books: About us

Bowyer is a publishing house that develops manuscripts with authors and we are proud to publish books that matter.

Our team loves books, and our office is a small library.

We welcome authors - published or not yet published. Your book may not be for us, but if not we will make suggestions of for whom it would be better suited.


Our Bowyer  Publishing House Dog.

Balu the Chow Chow, who soothes the work day with steady snoring.

The Offices

Readers make good publishers. Readers of diverse subjects make even better publishers.

Our design team has the magic of creating compelling covers - and being kind to change requests.

Our editor should be covered in yellow stickies carrying his detailed editorial corrections/suggestions/admonitions.

OUr supporting team is professional and has the uncanny knack of appearing with tea and coffee just when we were thinking about it.